Run Serverside Google Optimize Tests With Cloudflare Workers

Google Optimize server side experiments are a great way to run A/B tests for free.

The problem?

They’re really slow. Really really slow.

Cloudflare Workers are a way to make them faster with essentially zero code changes to your website.

Very quickly, how this works:

With Google Optimize (the normal version), there are two round trips:

  1. Your visitor gets your page from your website
  2. That page is then updated by Google Optimize

The result, your user is waiting around.

google optimize is slow because of round trips

The alternative is Cloudflare workers. This Cloudflare worker randomly assigns users for their A/B experience.

Cloudflare workers is fast because of fewer round trips

Set up steps

Create your Google Optimize experiment

create a google optimize experiment

The name doesn’t matter, but be sure to select “A/B” test.

create a google optimize experiment

Add a variant

name your Google optimize experiment

Your dashboard should look something like this:

name your Google optimize experiment

To let Google Optimize know that your experiment is run serverside, click on the pencil

name your Google optimize experiment

And then update the URL to SERVER_SIDE

name your Google optimize experiment

You can ignore this warning.

ignore this warning

Copy your experiment ID and then start the experiment.

Update your analytics implementation to work with server side Google Optimize tests

For UA, you need to update the implmentation of your gtag.

For GA4, you’ll send a separate event.


window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag() {
gtag("js", new Date());
gtag("config", "GA_MEASUREMENT_ID");

Universal Analytics

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag() {
gtag("js", new Date());
if(window.experimentID && window.experimentVariation){
  gtag("config", "GA_MEASUREMENT_ID",
  { experiments:
   [{id: window.experimentID, variant: window.experimentVariation}]
}) else {
  gtag("config", "GA_MEASUREMENT_ID");


In GA4, you need to send an event like so:

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag() {
gtag("js", new Date());
gtag("config", "GA_MEASUREMENT_ID");
if(window.experimentID && window.experimentVariation){
  gtag('event', 'experiment_impression', {​
  'experiment_id': window.experimentID,
  'variant_id': experimentVariation,
  'send_to': 'GA_MEASUREMENT_ID',

The Code

Get started with Cloudflare workers here

// This is the entrypoint to a Cloudflare worker.
// It just tells Cloudflare to apply a function to someone's request.
addEventListener("fetch", (e) => {

// Here is where you configure your experiments
// you can have multiple experiments running simultaneously
const experiments = [
    expPath: "/path-a", // Run the experiment if a user comes to this path
    experimentID: "spt_aLgkQjeC0iHlUe-0WA",

    // Each variation is given a path and some details
    variants: [
        path: "/path-a",
        // this key is set as a cookie, so future visits are consistent
        key: "control",
        // user's are bucketed to different experiences using a random number
        // generation between 0 and 1.
        // In this example, if that number is between .5 and 1, the user will
        // get this variation.
        // You can control the likelihood of a user getting a variation with
        // these variables
        likelihoodStart: 0.5,
        likelihoodEnd: 1,
        // The experiment variation is just the variant's index in this variant array
        // I chose to be explicit (rather than just grabbing the index)
        // for flexibility of changing the variant array
        experimentVariation: 0,
        path: "/path-b",
        key: "full-page-variant",
        likelihoodStart: 0,
        likelihoodEnd: 0.5,
        experimentVariation: 1,
] as experiments[];

export async function abExperiment(request: Request) {
  let requestURL = new URL(request.url);

  // To start, not every request should run an experiment. This
  // filters out tests
  if (!shouldRunExperiment(requestURL.pathname)) {
    // this caches your content so subsequent requests are very
    // vast
    return fetch(requestURL.toString(), {
      cf: {
        cacheTtl: 6000000,
        cacheEverything: true,

  // This gets the experiment ID and variation
  // It's wrapped in a try/catch block just in case
  // something goes wrong with your configuration
  let experimentID = "";
  let experimentVariation = {} as variant;
  try {
    const experimentVariables = getExperimentVariables(requestURL.pathname);
    experimentVariation = getExactExperimentData(experimentVariables);
    experimentID = getExperimentID(requestURL.pathname);
  } catch (e) {
    return new Response(e as string);

  // Update the URL to include the experiment subdirectory, if applicable.
  const resourceURL = new URL(
    [requestURL.origin, experimentVariation.path,].join("")

  // This fetches the page of your experiment
  const res = await fetch(resourceURL.toString(), {
    cf: {
      cacheTtl: 6000000,
      cacheEverything: true,
  const contentType = res.headers.get("Content-Type");

  // If the response is HTML, it can be transformed with
  // HTMLRewriter -- otherwise, it should pass through
  if (contentType?.startsWith("text/html")) {
    return new HTMLRewriter()
        new ElementHandler(
  } else {
    return res;

class ElementHandler {
  private experimentVariation: number;
  private experimentID: string;

  constructor(experimentVariation: number, experimentID: string) {
    this.experimentVariation = experimentVariation;
    this.experimentID = experimentID;

  // this simple handler just sets the global variables for the experiment ID and
  // experiment variation
  element(element: any) {
        window.experimentID = '${this.experimentID}'
        window.experimentVariation = '${this.experimentVariation}'
      { html: true }

type experiments = {
  expPath: string;
  variants: variant[];
  experimentID: string;

type variant = {
  path: string;
  key: string;
  likelihoodStart: number;
  likelihoodEnd: number;
  experimentVariation: number;

// shouldRunExperiment matches paths in the experiment object
export const shouldRunExperiment = (path: string): boolean => {
  let shouldRun = false;
  experiments.forEach((exp) => {
    if (path == exp.expPath) {
      shouldRun = true;
  return shouldRun;

// getExperimentVariables returns the first matching variable
// the error condition technically should never be reached, but
// who know's how you're going to change this ;)
export const getExperimentVariables = (path: string): variant[] => {
  for (let i = 0; i < experiments.length; i++) {
    if (experiments[i].expPath == path) {
      return experiments[i].variants;
  throw new Error("no matching variables");

// getExperimentID loops and gets the experimentID from the given path
export const getExperimentID = (path: string): string => {
  for (let i = 0; i < experiments.length; i++) {
    if (experiments[i].expPath == path) {
      return experiments[i].experimentID;
  throw new Error("no experiment ID");

// getExactExperimentData generates a random number to get a random
// experience based on the odds you set.
export const getExactExperimentData = (expValue: variant[]) => {
  let randNumber = Math.random();
  for (let i = 0; i < expValue.length; i++) {
    if (
      randNumber > expValue[i].likelihoodStart &&
      randNumber < expValue[i].likelihoodEnd
    ) {
      return expValue[i];
  throw new Error("no matching experiment");